130 Marmion Street

130 Marmion Street (map)


Inter / Post War, Bungalow Porch House w Arts & Crafts Influences

No. 130 (previously was no. 199) Marmion street is a single storey house constructed in rendered brick with a hipped and gable tiled roof. It is an expression of the Inter-War Porch style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a gable thrust bay and a part width skillion roofed verandah. The gable bay features a bay window and an arched opening. The entry door is located through the archway. The front facade features replacement windows. 


1907 Seven Youths. Roy Bentick, Ralph Hunter, George Williams, Harold Jackson, Samuel Hunter, George Osborne, and Arthur Calhaun, seven well-dressed lads, whose ages averaged 16 years, were charged with having made use of obscene language at Riverside-road; East Fremantle… (reference)

1911 Poem The Shooting Star. For the Worker. (By Ralph Hunter) (reference)

1915 Whispered that there is an epidemic of coldfeetites amongst the Fremantle tramway boys, which accounts for the fact that so far they hold the record for not volunteering for service at the front. To date only two of their number—Ralph Hunter and George Errington—both drivers, have joined the colors (reference)

1915 The following letter and postcard were received last week from Harry Simmonds and Morgan Edwards—Abbisiah Camp, Egypt...You can tell Lionel McKenzie that I have one one the Fremantle tramway boys in the same tent as I am in- Ralph Hunter. (reference) (see AIF entry under his parents address 5 Preston Point Road)

1919 Mr. Ralph Hunter, tram chauffeur, is "twenty-one to-day." Last night a host of his friends who believe in grabbing Time by the beer lock forgathered at the Burlington Private Hostel in Packenham street, where Ralph hangs out, and gave him an excessive-speed time. Mr. Jim Johnson, of Harbor Trust engineering fame, was same age a few days ago, and his friends coalesced with those of Ralph, and made last night's celebrations a double event. Toasts, speeches, songs, recitations, and Instrumental items followed each other like nags chasing the Melbourne mug. During the evening Mr Hunter, who before he took on tram-steering was skating instructor at the Olympia Skating Rink, gave an exhibition with chalked rollers on the balcony, performing the difficult feat writing the names, ages, and birthday dates of himself and Mr. Johnson on the boards. "Won' g'home morning," "Oul Lang Shine," "Jolly goo'f'lers," add "Shave the King" concluded a very happy evening. (reference)

April 1919 Fremantle Effort. In connection with the Fremantle portion of the (Returned Services Alliance) R.S.A. appeal the public are taking very great interest in the "most popular tramway conductor competition." A large voting board has been placed outside the Town Hall. Mr. J. Willis has asked of those competing to send in their progressive reports to Miss Glasson, East Fremantle, to enable the votes to be placed on record. To-morrow (Thursday) evening, in the East Fremantle Town Hall, a social and dance will be held in the interests of Mr. Ralph Hunter. (reference)

1923 Hunter (nee Nell Caddy). At their residence, ‘Langman’, Marmion-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter—a daughter (Norma Joy). Mother and child well. (reference)

1927 Birth on January 6, at Hillcrest, North Fremantle, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter, of Langman, Marmion-street, East Fremantle—a son (Ross Allan). Mother and child well. (reference)

1929 Death on August 13, James, dearly beloved husband of Louisa Hunter, of 23 Preston Point-road, East Fremantle (now 5) , and loving father of Mary (Mrs. A. E. Frape), Sarah (Mrs. F. G. Richardson), Myrtle (Mrs. L. C. Calf), Lydle (Mrs. J. Walker) and James, John, Ralph and Sam Hunter; aged 73 years... On August 13, at Preston Point-road, East Fremantle, James, dearly beloved father of Ralph, father-in-law of Nellie, grandfather of Norma, Ross and Ralph, of Marmion-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1936  Some Recollections By Alec S. Souter...Ralph Hunter is the next man under review and he is one of the most popular men on the job, both with the public and his mates. He is another returned soldier who saw some queer sights and had some pleasant and unpleasant experiences over in France. Him, I know pretty well and when any information is desired on my part he is the man I go to. Ralph can give you the history of Fremantle as well as anybody it has been my lot to meet. He is one of those steady-going chaps it is hard to ruffle, and one with whom you can enjoy a talk at any time. (reference)

1945 The engagement is announced between Norma Joy, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter, of 130 Marmion Street, East Fremantle, and Ronald Leslie (R.A.A.F. Morotai), third son of Mrs. J. Carter the late Mr. J. T. Carter, of 7 Charles Street, Bunbury. (reference)

1948 Engagement. Ronda Marie, youngest daughter of Mrs. J. Davey and the late Mr. A. Davey of 109 Victoria-street, Mosman Park, to Ross Allan, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter, of 130 Marmion street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1950 The engagement is announced of Bethel Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, Violet-street, Mosman Park, to Ralph Maxwell, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter, East Fremantle. (reference)

1951 Pearl Wedding. Hunter: The Daughter and Sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter, of East Fremantle, wish to announce the 30th Anniversary of their parents' Wedding. solemnised at Wesley Church, South Fremantle. Oct. 1, 1921. (reference)


1921: Vacant

1922 - 1951: Hunter, Ralph

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